Wednesday 24 October 2007

NEW Group 1 Suhlerwerkstatten
John W: The food is much better here than at the last placement. I enjoyed the tour, we packed boxes and I cut my finger, but Judith came to the rescue as she had her 1st aid bag with her.
John K: Brilliant. New work placement fine, got to meet Steffan who is the supervisor. I also met the Director who explained the company and then gave us a guided tour. My picture was taken while I was stapling the walls of a toy house. These houses are sold by catalogue.
Asha: Tired, feet hurt (Judith: Asha bopped 'til she dropped and ended up with a big blister on her toe. She had a sleep before dinner and is now back on form!!!)
Gonzalo: My day was ok, at first I was unsure on what to do, but Steffan, Judith and Linda showed me and I was then able to complete the task.
Catherine: I enjoyed my first day at my new work placement. One of my jobs was to label and neatly stack cartons into boxes ready for the lorries. My second job was working with spices. I had to put 8 pieces of Star Anise into packages, this was fine, but after a while the air was drying my throat so I got myself a drink.
Linda: Today I worked as part of the team with Group 2.
Judith: The group settled quickly to the new environment. The tour given by the manager,
better know as the Dutchman aka Herr Roland Holland-Letz was very interesting and all the students were fascinated. This morning Peter (house manager) came to our rescue and drove us to the other college for breakfast as he knew (he was dancing with us!!!) we had all been up late dancing and having a good time. John W had asked if we could all have an extra half hour in bed, which we did, and all the students were up and ready on time. But Peter was a sight for sore eyes.

NEW Group 2 Schleusingen
Martina: My first job at the placement was to measure and cut plastic for bicycle parts, which was enjoyable.
Sean: I enjoyed the 1st day of my new placement. I was ready for a new challenge. Today I was responsible for measuring and cutting lengths of black plastic for bicycles.
Scott: All right. New placement is a good challenge. I was assembling parts for vacuum cleaners. For this job I had to use a drill. Before I could use this I was given health and safety training.
Jagdeep: I enjoyed painting the clock. After this we were given the task of assembling bicycle lamps, which was in 2 parts. Our supervisor would check our work and if there was a error we were asked to put it right. We ended our day by attending a presentation given by Waltraud. We introduced ourselves and shared what we did in London and why we where here. We also talked aboutour hobbies and other interests.
Kerry Ann: I enjoyed the presentation about London. The presentation was for the German students who we joined. It was nice for the German students to have some knowledge for our country. Afterwards at our new placements we painted clock faces. These clock are unique as they do not have numbers on, they had flowers or dots instead.


Trisha Keaveny said...

Hope that scented candle John K got is my gift when he gets home! John would have cleared the dance floor at the disco with his dance no wonder the German students held back, they were probably scared stiff. Can't believe week 2 is nearly over and you only have one week left. Sounds like an amazing trip. Trisha K

Bernie Bell said...

The trip sounds fantastic, not all work, plenty of play as well. John K will definitely be the centre of attention on his return, we will all want to hear the stories about this trip and the work placement. The time has flown, enjoy the rest of the week - cant wait to see John K on Friday (his birthday)
Bernie Bell

DB said...

Hi Guys, this is fantastic. I am really glad that you are having an interesting time in Germany. Keep your eyes, ears and mind open ;-)
- dirk bischof

B said...

Hi Guys....... sounds like you are having a lovely time, the work sounds interesting. Last week....gone so quick. Love to everyone, take care and have fun