Tuesday 16 October 2007

This morning we got up at 6.30. We had to be ready for the the transport at 7.30. We had been invited to join a sports festival at a sports centre in neighbouring Sohl.
There were 180 participants who took part in the event. We went from activity to activity, competing against our selves and each other.
Catherine was the fastest on the slalom, Jagdeep second fastest and John K third fastest. Sean jumped furthest on the long jump, Asha did the most sit ups, Kerry Ann skipped the most in 90 seconds, Scott throwing thee ball into a target, John W and Gonzalo excelled at suspended leg ups.
After lunch, (another German sausage!) Waltraud says> they were looking forward to it and now they feel already FULLLLL!!!!!!
We came back to our accommodation for a cup of tea (and for some of us, a rest!) before going out for dinner and bowling.


Martin King said...

It's realy great to read about what you are doing - this really brings out the advantages of blogging - I can see the interest that ESOL students will have when relatives and friends can read about what they are doing in the UK.

Maybe you can do a blog for the course so that German people you meet can read what they are doing here etc.

Well done

Anne Winwood said...

The journey after I left you all at the airport sounds interesting -I had a good drive back to college after I left the airport (the wrong way up a one way road and a wrong turn at the roundabout into a cement works)and arrived in time to get to Acton albeit a little late - at least I will know the way out when I come to collect you all

Today (Tuesday, just)
MARK CAME TO MARKET! We should have had a wager.
Your day sounds like three days on a football tour that I accompany rolled into one, boy do these Europeans know how to have fun: at least the sausages will give you the stamina you will need to keep up with the action-packed itinerary
Have checked the weather forecast for Erfurt and not too bad for the next few days, getting a bit nippy at night
Will read blogs every day and am thinking of you all

Lots of love